When Is A Construction Contractor Liable For Injuries From Accidents?

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Liability for accident-related injuries on construction sites can occur for different reasons. It may be from defective machinery, improper operation of the machinery, or poor training in the operation of machinery or equipment. Liability may arise from a single factor or a combination of these factors. Defective machinery Whether injuries are caused by known or unknown defects, liability may lie with the owner of the machinery, the company for whom the operator is employed, or the general contractor that provides insurance for the entire construction site.…

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3 Ways A Car Accident Attorney Can Help With Compensation

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If you have recently had an automotive accident, you may have multiple issues to deal with, including automotive damages, painful injuries and insurance claims. However, a car accident attorney can help you navigate through the confusion and receive compensation to cover your accident-related expenses. Here are a few ways that a lawyer can help: Reimbursement to Fully Cover Your Damaged Vehicle Expensive repairs often accompany an automotive collision. If you are at fault in a collision, you should contact your insurance company.…

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